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This ELP option is available through the Configuration TabRule Assistant - Analyse functions

NOTE: If one of the 2 primary options is marked, ELP produces no print files anymore!


The key will help you to identify which text can be searched in your print jobs using the various search and trigger keys. When set ELP will not perform a printout, but generate a text file at <WORKPATH>\Debug\<PRINTERNAME>Out_Data_<DATESERIAL>.prn, which displays in any ASCII editor, such as Notepad, the text exactly the way it is found by ELP in the data stream.
A different output file can be defined by using the key OutData_FileName in the section GLOBAL of the configuration file "PrintSearchText.ini" (which must be present in the <WORKPATH>.
Usually there are 2 parts in that file. Both reflect the complete data stream. In the top half with the Search _NEW function, in the second half the pure Binary or Windows/Text search


Requirements: convert.ini must contain ShowSearchableText=ON in section GLOBAL.

This key can only be used in the section GLOBAL of <WORKPATH>\PrintSearchText.ini


0: Nothing is written.
1: Writes only the FIRST OUTPUT (All Text which can be found with the _NEW method)
2: Writes only the SECOND OUTPUT (Same as FIRST OUTPUT, but with position sequences)
3: 1 + 2: Writes FIRST and SECOND OUTPUT
4: Writes only the THIRD OUTPUT (All text which can be found with the BINARY or(!) WINDOWS method)
5: 1 + 4: Writes FIRST and THIRD OUTPUT
6: 2 + 4: Writes SECOND and THIRD OUTPUT
7: 1 + 2 + 4: Writes FIRST, SECOND and THIRD OUTPUT


Values: ON/OFF

This key can only be used in the section GLOBAL of <WORKPATH>\PrintSearchText.ini

If ON and ShowSearchableText_OUTPUT is used with 1, 2 or 3, the output file doesn´t log any PJL sequences.

Font Analysis

This function creates a text file for each print job in the folder #ELP_FORMS_PATH#debug\#PRINTERNAME# with the file name FontAnalysis_#DATESERIALLONG#.txt. It contains all extractable information of used and downloaded soft fonts. [Read more...]

Analyze barcodes

This checkbox allows you to get more detailed information regarding bar code and font selection sequences.

All Fonts

Generates a list with all font escape sequences. The selection will reduce the output to bar code and/or unknown fonts.

Unknown Fonts

Generates a list with all unknown font escape sequences. The selection will reduce the output to unknown fonts.

Barcode Fonts Generates a list with all bar code font escape sequences. The selection will reduce the output to bar code fonts.


Related articles: Configuration Tab, Rule Assistant, All ELP Functions, Font Analysis, Glyph Table Creation, Need help - how to get support