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ELP offers quite various ways of direct data stream manipulation. Usually you need quite some PCL - Printer Command Language or PJL - Printer Job Language knowledge. This document describes most of the available ways and what you can do with them:


file: job_init.mac

If a file named job_init.mac in lower case is found in the Workpath directory (Windows: usually c:\ProgramData\WELP, others where the -d Command Line Argument point to), the ELP Server will download the content of the file right at the very beginning of the job as a Job initialization. The data of job_init.mac is not sent through the converter itself. This file can be used for example to download for every job soft fonts to the printer or can hold complex printer initialisations or as well for setup pages, like tax or customs documents. There s no need that the file contains an ELP macro/form, it can also be a complete dat stream, with all initialisations, tray handling, stapling etc. If the needed initialization is less than 512 bytes you may also use the ELP_INIT_JOB key.

file: job_exit.mac

If a file named job_exit.mac in lower case is found in the Workpath folder (Windows: usually c:\ProgramData\WELP, others where the -d Command Line Argument point to), the ELP Server will download the content of the file right at the very beginning of the job as a Job initialization. The data of job_init.mac is not sent through the converter itself. This file can be used for example to download for every job soft fonts to the printer or can hold complex printer initialisations or as well for setup pages, like tax or customs documents. There is no need that the file contains an ELP macro/form, it can also be a complete data stream, with all initialisations, tray handling, stapling etc. If the needed initialization is less than 512 bytes you may also use the ELP_EXIT_PCL key.

Search_xxx Those keys do search the data stream while reading it and can Erase, Add, Replace and read back information
InsertPrintFilesAtFormFeed Any matched files from the given archive directory are inserted after the next form feed and deleted if they are not read only. Can be used to insert data sheets etc. on the back page of a document. or complete documents with several pages.
InsertPrintFilesAtJobEnd Any matched files from the given archive directory are inserted and deleted at the end of the job if they are not read only. The action is performed right before the ELP EE### command. Can be used to insert data sheets etc. on the back page of a document or complete documents with several pages.
InsertPrintFilesAtJobEndDoNothing Same functionality as key above, but the data stream is passed through and does not run anymore through the ELP process.


Any valid PCL or PJL commands will be inserted at the beginning of the data stream. Pretty similar to the file function job_init.mac. The ELP Forms management and printer handling window offers the possibility to set such an initialisation string via the PCL Initialization Generator. It is mainly used for ASCII data stream having no initialisation and make it therefor printer menu setting independent.

  • As the command is running through the interpreter, you may use any PCL forms loading command \x1B&f###y3X and ELP does load the form.
  • Meaning on top, that you even can use it for inserting banner pages with ELP variables, which will be automatically replaced (Forms & Field Installer).
  • You may use the key EraseAllPJL=ON to delete the existing  PJL part and add in a complete new one, which then will surround the complete job, even maybe the generated copies, which can be stapled then together. See also: Stapling a duplicated job 
ELP_Exit_Job Actually same as above, but just sent at the real end of the job. There is no Generator for that key available, but you may use the Init one and then copy the content over to this key.


The argument content of that command is inserted just once and right at the beginning of a data stream. If the stream is well initialized the content is placed after the PCL initialisation.
It is used to setting additional PCL based information like output tray or fonts without losing the default initialisation.

  • In case copies are printed using the ELP_Command K#; the argument is inserted in each copy.
  • The ELP_Command module (FOR) needs to be licensed, and even when no ELP_Command is used, you need to set one. ELP_Command=K1; ist just enough and does absolutely nothing.


The argument content of ELP_PageInit_PCL is inserted after every form feed.  It is used to setting additional PCL based information mainly to reset fonts.

  • The content is also entered after the last form feed, so if there is only one printable character, the printer does feed an additional page, even this one might be empty.
  • The ELP_Command modul (for) needs to be licensed, and even when no ELP_Command is used, you need to set one. ELP_Command=K1; is just enough and does absolutely nothing.
ELP_Exit_PCL Like ELP_Init_PCL the arguments are sent at the end of each data stream copy. After the last copy the content is right before the ELP_Exit_Job definition.

ELP_Command EB#; 

Send form/data at beginning of job, start with PCL UEL command. It is inserted even before the ELP_Init_Job command, you may also use complete data streams with all initialisations, as for example make banner page[s] with tray settings. The benefit of this option is to use any rules and add the documents based upon the print document content, using the ELP_Command_Add key.

ELP_Command EE#; Send form/data at the end of job. It is inserted between the ELP_Exit_PCL and ELP_Exit_Job command, you may also use complete data streams with all initialisations, as for exampel make a footer page[s] with tray settings for example for additional terms and conditions or any other useful advertisements or explanations. The benefit of this option is to use any rules and add the documents based upon the print document content, using the ELP_Command_Add key.
ELP_Command ET; Wraps ASCII alike streams into a well bounded PJL job. Can be then used to staple the job for example using the ELP_Command T#;
ELP_Command Ei$; Inserts a full C#-Commands right in front of the # copy, only executed with K copy command. The default D#; copy command is respected.
ELP_Command Ej$; Inserts a full C#-Commands right after the # copy, only executed with K copy command. The default D#; copy command is respected.
ELP_Command EX$; Inserts a full C#-Commands right at in front of every Reset Sequence, so normally at the end of the job.