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Using this converter enables ELP to send direct PDF (Portable Document Format) documents to any PostScript printer.

By default ELP converts all PDF print job to PostScript. If your printer is able to print PDF files, then to turn this function off using the key


if a PDF document is detected and the functionality is turned off, ELP does:

  1. ignore all triggers and searches from the active ini-file
  2. and Execute the rule PASSTHROUGH 

    Tip: Use key inifile=#ELP_FORMS_PATH#convert.ini if all rules should again be activated and apply to the PDF document as well.

The rule GLOBAL can contain a special setting for ELP for PDF converting: PDF2PS_ARGUMENTS= The arguments of this keys can be:

-f <int> first page to print
-l <int> last page to print
-level1 generate Level 1 PostScript
-level1sep generate Level 1 separable PostScript
-level2 generate Level 2 PostScript
-level2sep generate Level 2 separable PostScript
-level3 generate Level 3 PostScript
-level3sep generate Level 3 separable PostScript
-eps generate Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
-form generate a PostScript form
-noembt1 don't embed Type 1 fonts
-noembtt don't embed TrueType fonts
-noembcidps don't embed CID PostScript fonts
-noembcidtt don't embed CID TrueType fonts
-preload preload images and forms
-paper <string> paper size (letter, legal, A4, A3, match)
-paperw <int> paper width, in points
-paperh <int> paper height, in points
-nocrop don't crop pages to CropBox
-expand expand pages smaller than the paper size
-noshrink don't shrink pages larger than the paper size
-nocenter don't center pages smaller than the paper size
-pagecrop treat the CropBox as the page size
-userunit honor the UserUnit
-duplex enable duplex printing
-opw <string> owner password (for encrypted files)
-upw <string> user password (for encrypted files)
-q don't print any messages or errors
-cfg <string> configuration file to use



  • If the function is not licensed (see ELP Control Center - License tab), then it will be currently not performed.
  • The PDF2PS_Arguments key should always be used in those sections: Global, Printer-, User-Name.
  • Triggers or search keys can't be used.
  • If W-ELP is not installed in the default path C:\Program Files(x86)\WELP the file xpdfrc should be modified with the proper install path